Friday, December 11, 2009

What am I to do?

So I was talking to a close friend of mine whom i hold the greatest admiration for... lemme tell you why.... He has no fear in life and in any aspects of it. Now I'll digress and say I'm sure he is afraid but I've never seen him show it....

We went to school together in Providence, RI, I moved onto my MFA and was too afraid to grow up, he went on to live life, I ended up on the west coast, he moved back to nyc and went back to school. He up and moved to seattle for more school, has finished that, went back to nyc, gotten into his masters program and is now back in seattle to finish that. He has rent up the wazoo, a shitty retail job and more issues to deal with than I could prolly shake a stick at... Yet, I;m the one hiding in the corner not knowing what to do with my life!

I was laid off from work, 2 days ago, it's shitty but it happens, we're in a crappy time and in a nation that isn't sure which way is up! My friend has always been the beaming light of "I can do it!" He taught me the finer things in life, how to eat cereal with water cause we were both too broke to get milk and we missed our chance to eat at school... We both stood strong with each other as RA's thru the thick and thin. He always has the right thing to say to me when i doubt myself at an audition...yet when he calls i fear i can never say the right thing to help or advise.

I'm jobless practically broke again and I want to run away, I can hear his voice just saying, stay strong nettie, celie is only a flight away.... It is times like these where I am eternally grateful to know he's just a phone call away and a mere 4 1/2 hour flight away.... Celie, all I can say is im thankful so much for all you've done! I know greater and even more amazing things lay ahead for you, especially when you are getting your PHD in some amazing place like the UK or Australia!

peace, love, hairgrease, chicken and waffles...